WarmTone Mode

WarmTone Mode

We’re staying busy here at the plant, and we see no slow down in sight. We’re excited for all the new projects coming in, but we realized we needed a little extra help. Enter…WARMTONE MODE. What is WarmTone Mode? Glad you asked!

A WarmTone is a fully automated vinyl pressing machine made by a company called Viryl in Toronto, Canada. This thang ain’t no wussy baby, she weighs about 11,000 pounds and can cut a record from start to finish in a whooping 25 seconds! Now that’s a lot of lady machine. This state-of-the-art record pressing machine is designed to produce vinyl with precision and consistency. Fully automated and built with modern technology, it ensures: faster production times, fewer defects or inconsistencies, high-quality records with a crisp, clear sound. With this new machine, we’ll be able to press records 30% faster than we are now. To press a 1000 records currently, we can get a job like that done in 3 - 4 days. With the WarmTone, we’ll be able to press 1000 records in 1.5 days.

If you’re based in Pittsburgh, or even coming to visit our city soon, come take a tour and see it all for yourself! Send us an email at hello@hellbendervinyl.com to set something up. We’d love to have you :)

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