Celebrating Zack Keim's "Battery Lane" Vinyl Listening Party at Field Day

Celebrating Zack Keim's "Battery Lane" Vinyl Listening Party at Field Day

Last month, Hellbender Vinyl hosted our first vinyl listening party at Field Day Lobby for Zack Keim's new album, "Battery Lane." As the pressing house behind the record, we were excited to share this early listen with the local music community and celebrate Zack's new album.

The atmosphere at Field Day was electric as vinyl enthusiasts and friends gathered to experience "Battery Lane" in its purest form—on vinyl. With over 100 attendees filling the space, the excitement was electric. The venue's intimate and warm setting was the perfect place to hold this event.

This marked an important milestone for us at Hellbender. Pressing Zack's "Battery Lane" album was a project we're proud of, and seeing people react to it in real time was rewarding. The event gave us a chance to connect directly with listeners and showcase our vinyl pressing capabilities.

Based on the turnout and positive response, we're planning to make vinyl listening parties a regular occurrence at Hellbender. These events offer a different way to experience new music – more communal and focused than typical listening habits. We'll be announcing our next vinyl listening party soon. 



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